What does a Life Coach do?

A life coach helps with the navigation of life changes or transitions by listening, encouraging and guiding you toward your goals.

What does coaching involve?

The client is the ultimate architect of each session. We’ll start with identifying the goal(s) you want to pursue, evaluate current circumstances and develop your action plan to success. During the sessions we’ll discuss what has transpired since our last meeting and build upon the wins/challenges encountered or a topic of your choosing.

What is the difference between coaching, counseling and consulting?

Counseling generally deals with feelings and emotions while looking at the past and family dynamics.

Consulting digests information and provides solutions to fix or improve the situations presented.

Coaching involves working collaboratively towards setting and achieving goals and aspirations.

How do counseling, consulting and coaching connect?


Each starts where the client is at present and supports them moving forward by identifying obstacles/barriers then working to overcome them.

How many sessions are there per coaching program?

Each program is designed based on the client's needs. There is a 6 session and a 12 session program available. A customized option is also available if appropriate. See services page.

What is the pricing per session?

The pricing structure is based on a full program cost which incorporates the time I will spend on the clients behalf between scheduled sessions.